

Grandview Cabinetry’s Commitment to Sustainability

At Grandview Cabinetry, one of our core values is respect – respect for our workers, for our customers, for the cabinetry we make, and for the earth itself.

We prioritize sustainability because we believe in being a forward-thinking, eco-conscious company. Grandview Cabinetry implements sustainability standards in a number of ways, from how we harvest wood to how we recycle our materials.

Recycling Every Step of the Way

  • We aim to recycle 100% of our waste, including paper, cardboard, and sawdust from our dust collectors. Even our wood chip “leftovers” are put to good use – as recycled landscaping material.
  • We believe that every bit of earth-friendliness makes an impact, even the daily recycling of our office paper.
  • Our earth-friendliness doesn’t stop at the finishing process. After we cook off less favorable finishing line material, we use the remaining solvent to clean our factory equipment.

Respecting Our Natural Resources

We’re committed to respecting the source of our all-natural materials: the healthy forests of the United States of America. Our lumber suppliers maintain healthy forests with thoughtful harvest plans which consider how to:

  • Minimize environmental impacts on soil, water quality, and existing wildlife and plants
  • Improve education for landowners, foresters, and logging professionals
  • Maximize timber growth for future generations

We are committed to respecting our environment with eco-conscious principles. As such, we’re proud to be part of the national Environmental Stewardship Program sponsored by the KCMA.

Grandview Cabinetry’s Commitment to Sustainability

At Grandview Cabinetry, one of our core values is respect – respect for our workers, for our customers, for the cabinetry we make, and for the earth itself.

We prioritize sustainability because we believe in being a forward-thinking, eco-conscious company. Grandview Cabinetry implements sustainability standards in a number of ways, from how we harvest wood to how we recycle our materials.

Recycling Every Step of the Way

  • We aim to recycle 100% of our waste, including paper, cardboard, and sawdust from our dust collectors. Even our wood chip “leftovers” are put to good use – as recycled landscaping material.
  • We believe that every bit of earth-friendliness makes an impact, even the daily recycling of our office paper.
  • Our earth-friendliness doesn’t stop at the finishing process. After we cook off less favorable finishing line material, we use the remaining solvent to clean our factory equipment.

Respecting Our Natural Resources

We’re committed to respecting the source of our all-natural materials: the healthy forests of the United States of America. Our lumber suppliers maintain healthy forests with thoughtful harvest plans which consider how to:

  • Minimize environmental impacts on soil, water quality, and existing wildlife and plants
  • Improve education for landowners, foresters, and logging professionals
  • Maximize timber growth for future generations

We are committed to respecting our environment with eco-conscious principles. As such, we’re proud to be part of the national Environmental Stewardship Program sponsored by the KCMA.

Grandview Cabinetry Grandview Cabinetry Grandview Cabinetry proudly American-made Grandview Cabinetry Grandview Cabinetry Grandview Cabinetry Grandivew Cabinetry Grandview Cabinetry